Live and Learn

June 30th, 2009 by | Country: Peru | 3 Comments »

This morning, as I was heading to school, I had to catch a taxi.  I called out on an “official” taxi which has a rectangle with black and yellow checkers on the vehicle.  I asked the guy if he had change for 20 by saying “Cambio para veinte sols.”  He said, “Si.”  Then I showed him the address to the school and he said in Spanish along with showing me three fingers saying that it’s 3 sols which is equivalent to 1 US dollar – A VERY CHEAP RIDE!  Anywhere in the world where the money is weaker than the US dollar and Euro is HEAVEN!  Anyways, I got in the taxi, and he got me to school.  I showed him the 20 sols and said, “Cambio.”  He said, “No.”  I looked at him and said “Cambio” again, and he said “No.”  Since I didn’t want to put my life in danger, I just gave it to him which is fine because I lost only 7 US dollars.  However, I lived and learned!  That’s part of the traveling experience.  I will make sure that I have change in hand!  So, after school today, I went into a shop and asked them if they had change for 20 sols, and the cashier was so nice and gave me change.  Then when I called on a taxi to head back to my host family’s home, I showed the driver my 10 sols by holding it and pointing to it, and I said, Cambio?”  He said, “Si and showed me the change that he had.  I like that – showing me the proof!  Then I showed him the address to the host family’s home, and he said that it costs 3 sols.  Oh, did I mention that there are NO meters in the taxis??  Welcome to Peruvian life!  Talk about lack of technology in this country!  Nope, you have to make an agreement with the driver on the cost before you get into the taxi!  According to my host mother, she said that 3 sols is the right price for going to and from her house and the school and to reject the drivers who want more than 3 sols. I did to the best of my ability to explain in Spanish what happened this morning to my host mother when I got home for lunch and the other student who is also living with my host family and going to the same school filled in the gaps for me.  The host mother was FURIOUS.  I explained that it’s part of the traveling experience.  It happens everywhere!  In fact, I’ve been fooled with taxi drivers when I was in Israel.  They would take a longer route or go in circles so that they could get more money! Anyways, the host mother was so upset that she gave me a beautiful banana!




July 1, 2009 at 2:29 pm

So…so cool! Love the banana!! and the spoon.

July 2, 2009 at 11:30 am

Your blog is wonderful! I love the picture of the banana and your laid back attitude of the travel experience. Thanks for keeping us updated and enjoy your time in Peru! warm regards, Greenheart Travel


July 24, 2011 at 12:22 am

Honey, it’s not so much as lack of technology as: 1) they want to swindle people who don’t know what the trip should cost, and/or 2) they’re afraid someone might steal the meter, if not the entire car. My dad was a cabbie there himself (had to work for extra money because of the depression caused by Alan Garcia’s first Presidential term, 85-90) and he often had to charge an average that didn’t seem to fly with what most people wanted. He even kept an iron bar by his seat just in case he had to confront someone (thank God he never actually did, though).

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